Capital trail... but which version?

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Capital trail... but which version?

Post by Polisherman »

'ow do. We're going to have a go at this in April. But I'm not sure which "Capital trail" we'll be doing at the moment!
Has anyone got the current gpx file?
The map on in places doesn't match the written description. I've not checked the whole thing, but around Minch Moor/Traquair it's different.
There's a link to another gpx file which seems to match the description. It's approx 235km as opposed to 250km.
I have a feeling that the route map on is probably a more up to date version and that's what we'll use...
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Re: Capital trail... but which version?

Post by fatbikephil »

There was some chat on this between me and Lazarus a wee while back - I have the old route and he had the new one, which I think is the one on A forum search may find it.....

If you pm me an email address I'll send you the one I have - from 2018 I think.
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Re: Capital trail... but which version?

Post by Lazarus »

He is correct we did discuss this but that is as much as i remember. Good recall Sir.
OK just checked
Still on memory map so differences at melrose/ selkirk
Avoid the one that goes from river tweed through raelees wood up cribb hill its horrible. Blown over trees and pretty much Impassable/ relentless struggle over or under fairly large (10.ft ish) trunks. I threw my bike ober a wall to push through a bog
Think bikepacking cuts through edinburgh and other goes to Crummond and along sea fromt
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Re: Capital trail... but which version?

Post by Polisherman »

Cheers, I think it's starting to make sense now!
The map on must be the revised version. It avoids Raelees Wood AND GOES TO SELKIRK :wink:
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Re: Capital trail... but which version?

Post by fatbikephil »

2015 route emailed and our previous discussion has all come back to my ageing memory :-bd
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Re: Capital trail... but which version?

Post by Lazarus »

Glad i got my message across :wink: :lol:
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