WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by RIP »

Fair play to you for getting the kids involved - nice to see.
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by JohnClimber »

After around 5 hours of sleep (I'm hoping for a better night tonight),

As there was no wind, even though the tarp had a massive opening at the front, the inside had a covering of condensation inside of it before I even got into my bed, Throughout the night it got worst, and the bottom of my quilt got wet, so I moved up more in to the open and went back to sleep luckily with dry feet.


So it was up and away at 6am to get up the very popular canal towpath and cycle way before the crowds came out.

GR 8 The fog hadn't lifted before I got to the first of Reg's GR of the day on the Cheshire Lines

As I was now near the end of the what would be very busy trail I had the chance to get a bit arty

As normal with WRT's over the years Stuart sometimes makes a mistake and accidentally puts one in the sea.
Well Reg did that for me and put one on Mad Wharf which can only be reached as low tide, another reason for the early start. :roll:

GR 9 My wheels are in salt water taking this photo back to the land, Good job I'd put the Fat Bike in the "bothy" and not used yesterday's gravel bike.

It's called Mad Wharf for a reason
Click here - https://flic.kr/p/2iZbFDa

GR 10 The Coastguard station

GR11 A new trail I didn't know was there, although it will be overgrown with nettles in the next 3 or 4 weeks, so one for my winter routes for sure

GR12 I'm not religious in anyway so I've never been to our local village church until this morning.
I'm still an atheist but it was a lovely little church yard with lots of interesting grave stones to come back on a walk sometimes

An tonight I've lifted up the tarp and the wind is blowing a little too, hopefully no condensation over night now.

Just one more GR early in the morning, Reg gave me 13 and it's another local one.
So I can't stop on 13 and as I've got 63 miles on my GPS I may as well extend it ad to get 2 more GR's that I've given myself, plus revisit one of Reg''s on the way home to try and hit the 100 miles for the weekend.

GR 14 up one of out only climbs in the area

A new little downhill that I've been told about to get to GR15
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by RIP »


Dead impressed you actually went out to Mad Wharf - that's a long way out to sea! That must be a WRT 'first' :-bd .

Sleep well folks! I've reversed my position in my bothy cos I got a cold bonce by the door last night.
Last edited by RIP on Sun May 10, 2020 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by whitestone »

Taylor wrote: Sat May 09, 2020 12:17 pm Maybe it might be the short hammock then.
Cath got the hammock last night and didn't have the same problems so most likely the occupant height to hammock length ratio that's to blame. Using a pad rather than an underquilt of some sort probably didn't help.
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by BigdummySteve »

Day Two

The first GR was very familiar to me, it’s a route I take up to Hinton skydive centre,
London barn is an old abandoned farm, I’ve bivvied in the deserted farm yard a few times

Yesterday at GR7

I’d taken a new to me track to get to the lane, never again. A slog across a field with baked in horse ruts.

Not a grid ref but it’s nice to have a family field, I wonder if I get Bivvy rights?


A bit of road work and a crossing of the normally extremely busy A43 took me to GR8

A very posh estate, I’d never realised you could get in here, potential for a very cheeky Bivvy in the manicured copses as well.

I avoided the A43 by some best avoided tracks and up through Brackley, GR1 was a cross roads on a track
The medieval village was long gone


From here my route took me through a very beautiful wood, never checked it out before, lovely ancient woods with bluebells.

GR 6 was on the bed of an old railway
Just before I got there I found some tanks!




By this stage I was gasping for water, I’d taken a 1 late bottle but ran out a while ago, I was dismayed to find the village shop closed but if you’re ever in sulgrave it has an outside tap.
Some interesting new tracks and potential for further exploring. Unfortunately I’m out for day 3 due to mechanical incompetence, it’s been fun.

Here’s to next year!
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by Bearlegged »

My WRT lite.


Did all the GRs in a oner, as I was otherwise occupied on Friday. By the very nature of staying local, lots of familiar ground for me, but linking the country lanes and villages of North Derbyshire *and* the Moors of the Dark Peak made for a very enjoyable ride out, with some new trails to be found.

Took enough gear with me for a bivvy, but by the time I got home, I couldn't be faffed with setting up my tarp, and kipped indoors. Was very glad of this decision when we were woken by howling wind at 4am.

Big thanks to Sussex Paul for the GRs, and to all you lovely folk for the inspiration.
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by sean_iow »

I've got 2 refs and about 10 miles to go. Just stopped for a locally made venison and ale pie I got from a local shop, it was all they had left, what a shame, no spar sausage rolls for me :grin:

I just need to summon the energy to get going again, my last 2 refs are on the top of two of the highest hills we have, I saved the best for last. After the last one it is literally all down hill to home :smile:
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Very well done all. The thing I've noticed coming through (although I'm not entirely surprised) is the amount of new things people have discovered even though they may have lived and ridden in the vicinity for years. Amazing what a fresh pair of eyes and perspective can do.
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by whitestone »


Well today was completely different to yesterday, nearly 20C cooler! Really windy as well. So just four GRs to get the full set as picked by John we set off early.

Over to the Pennine Bridleway again but this time over to the promised land (Lancashire)


Then into Barnoldswick (pronounced "Barlick") to THE SHRINE


Then it was a bit of a cross country bash via lanes and the Leeds-Liverpool canal to get to the next one. This bridge carries the A59 near East Marton. No idea why there's a stacked pair of arches.


John had chosen a "moat" at Gargrave. Something I'd no idea was even there as it's stuck behind a row of house. Park the bikes then over the stile and walk 50m and there was this. No idea what it was used for - too low down to be of use as a mill pond, it's all but level with the River Aire.


Then the only real hill of the day to get to the last two GRs. First up (literally) was Elslack reservoir.


The woods above here have been felled over this last winter so it's really odd to be riding through open ground. By the time we reached the road the wind was really strong, we were getting blown up slight inclines! Up onto the highest local point, Pinhaw Beacon. One of the Napoleonic warning beacons. So windy here the bike was being blown around while on the ground.


Down the Pennine Way then a bit of road to get back home. This stone is supposedly the footing for a gibbet where they would hang local ne'er do wells.


A total of 122km and 2600m of climbing over the three days. Some new trails and some I hadn't done for a while. A great idea, cheers John and Reg.
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by RIP »

Back. Yes indeed, that was a hell of a different day. Much colder, 30-40mph north-easterly winds, wasted my time putting suncream on. Quite knackered actually, so I'll just have a sit down here with a brew and some cake - thanks Stu. Very pleased to see I haven't missed the last piece of lemon drizzle for a change, thanks Dee.

Officially signing back in, if I may please Stu

Remoter countryside this time, with not many 'features'. A nice tailwind took me through a couple of hamlets to GR 1 at 'afraid.neutron.flotation', which was the start of a very hoof-pocked downhill bridleway. Almost impossible to ride but integrity means ya gotta do it.


A few green lanes bring us to GR 2 at 'tomato.shipwreck.crash' - what a superb name, "Sir, we appear to have hit a large red fruit and are fatally holed below the waterline"


Heading for home, we pass GR 3, which by some miracle graces us with a view of - yes, you guessed it, Milton Keynes snow dome yet again!


Thence back to base, and going through town I noticed that this garage is actually a Spar, which I'd never realised before. And so, nipping in to purchase a potnoodle (of course), that nicely completes a proper WRT.


What a fascinating few days. Didn't venture more than a few miles radius from home, steered well clear of any people, kept away from technical riding, and luckily I was the only one in the bothy. I was certainly getting exercise and it definitely improved my state of mind, the main infringement being I was out for a little longer than the 'allowed' one hour.

Many thanks to JC for organising it, Bob n Cath for my "carefully selected" GRs, and Stu & Dee for the inspiration. I gather there's a curiously similar event planned for August/September so got that to look forward to now......

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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by ton »

day 2 was slightly less nice than day one.

sub standard wind all morning, and freezing cold and suffering from cold.

again cheers techno for the grids.

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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by Charliecres »

I was (I thought) on more familiar terrain today - up onto the North Downs, first grid ref at Ranmore and along the ridge to my second grid ref at Newlands Corner. This is a popular beauty spot and I remember it being rammed on that sunny weekend before lockdown. Today it was all but deserted, with just a few walkers and cyclists dotted about.


The Wall of Death, just off the concrete road on Netley Heath, built by Canadian troops in WW2. I can never resist a circuit or two.

Newlands Corner, where I dropped off the ridge on my way to Albury.

Now things got interesting. I was close to trails I’ve done a zillion times but I was approaching them from an unusual direction and following a GPS track I’d plotted on my phone.

My GPS died, I took a wrong turn down a long steep, rocky descent and found myself feeling hungry and spent on the wrong side of a big hill with a final grid ref still to claim and too many miles between me and home.

Ah well, nothing to be done but get on with it.

My mood lifted as the track turned out to be well surfaced and the right side of steep and I found myself in a beautiful little valley with the feel of a miniature alpine meadow. At the top of the climb were a couple of chocolate box cottages and a stunning display of rhododendron blossom. No pics, I’m afraid, as I wanted to finish off the climb, which ducked behind a barn and eventually led me back to familiar ground and my final grid ref.

Final grid ref. No radar in sight.

Terrible pic of the Pitch Hill windmill. Thought I should include it as I was passing.

From here I was back on trails I know like the back of my hand. Top quality singletrack down into Peaslake and the a pleasant trundle back to Dorking that I must have done hundreds of times.

It’s been a fantastic weekend. Big thanks to John and Reg for the inspiration, to Sean for picking great grid refs and Stu and Dee for the real WRT and for holding this amazing little community together. :-bd :-bd :-bd
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by Pickers »

After 2 days and 9 from 11 refs done, I'm afraid I'm joining the bailers list today.

I've been out a few times this week, my shoulder's now protesting a bit more than I'd like so it's game over here.
Some of my pics https://www.flickr.com/photos/107347896@N06/sets/

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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by JohnClimber »

Thank you all in this thread for joining in and having a go and for all your thanks on this thread.
Thanks to Reg for your help in me thinking it through out loud.

Stuart for the real WRT of course, without which non of us would have found these unique spots and some new trails in our own back yard.

My routes



My Sunday.
I slept well after a poor night's sleep on the first night. Chucked all the gear in the "bothy" to be sorted on on my return.
As I was in no rush to get back mainly because I didn't have the 2.5hr drive home from Mid Wales, plus it was mainly on familiar lanes so I left "camp" at 7.30am.

Not a GR but a local Victoria post box on the way to the first GR - It must be an age thing or a lockdown thing as I'm showing an interest in old post boxes now :geek: :roll:

My last GR of Reg's (my only one of the day) although to add the miles in I did re visit another one, but didn't stop

As I wanted to try and bag 100 miles this V-WRT I had a loop in mind so I hunted out via Google some new routes to get to The Beacon and here are some shots from the trip mainly on new trails and the cycleways in and around Skelmersdale (a dump of a town but which has a fantastic cycle way network.




At the top of the only one of two hills in my lockdown zone. this is Ashurst Beacon.




My stat's
The elevation is my house above sea level not my overall climbing, but it's so flat around here it may as well have been for the first 2 days of riding.
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by RIP »

Nobody's got my "bonus photo" location yet. No prizes, but I wouldn't want to, er, rob anyone of the satisfaction of getting it.

My favourite photo is JC's of Mad Wharf. If it was mine I'd be quite concerned about how far away the land is :grin: .

The thing that would have improved my V-WRT: pressure gauges on my mat and pillow. At my old age I have to get the inflation just right or the comfort is compromised. Even 1psi makes a difference.
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by barney »

Well what a brilliant weekend that was !!!!

As about 70% of my riding was done on the Wirral I reckon I can claim that mine still was the WRT 2020. :-bd

Only the lite for me on Saturday and Sunday but after all the crap recently it was a good few days plotting a couple of routes. Nothing too excessive 25 miles on Saturday and 28 miles on Sunday. I even rode lots of new stuff on my own doorstep that I’ll definitely be revisiting.

Oh and please no comments about the rack and panniers, the bike is currently set up for my daily dad and daughter pootles round the local woods.

As we know John is a stickler for the rules and he set me my grid refs I thought he ask for proof :lol: so here we go…

Saturday grid ref’s #1

Saturday grid ref’s #2

Sunday grid ref’s

Those that know me know I’m a man of few words so here’s a few photos from the weekend…

Welcome to Wirral sign...

Grid Ref on a lovely bit of doubletrack that went on forever...

Can’t believe this grid ref was at a bench, it was rude not to stop and have a coffee…

Nice house but wouldn’t fancy being the window cleaner…

Luckily the grid ref was just this side of the fallen tree blocking the path…

Obligatory motorway shot on the return home…

Here’s my camp for the night, nice spot and enjoyed my pre-ride coffee and porridge.

Day 2 - Sunday had a bit of culture to it. First, I had to go down a Roman Road, past "the" Greasby sign and then past what I think is the crappiest stone circle ever!

The remains of the roman road...

We have a little bit of heritage on the Wirral don’t you know!

A very, very lazy effort of a stone circle... :lol:

My next grid ref was in the middle of a fairway on a golf course… thanks John! Luckily the course was pretty quiet for some reason?

The remainder of the route was just lots and lots of great single and double track a lot of which I’ve never ridden before.

Decisions, decisions…

Could be sketchy in the wet…

Hit every grid ref spot on apart from the last, apologies but John wanted a beach shot and I wasn’t prepared to hike-a-bike down a 30 meter cliff face so this is the closet you can get (note the blue “Danger cliff” :o sign the bike is leaning against)…

John gave me an additional challenge of finding two old post boxes. Here you go sir, mission accomplished…

And finally, the obligatory Spar shot. I tried to make it look moody and romantic, not sure I succeeded…

Well done for organising John, Reg and everyone else at this rate you might be needed in September. Just gutted to come home to a house without lemon drizzle cake… talk about coming down to earth with a bump!
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by barney »

I've had a bit of trouble posting images, I could see them but others couldn't

Could people please let me know if you can see my photos please?
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by ScotRoutes »

barney wrote: Sun May 10, 2020 7:45 pm I've had a bit of trouble posting images, I could see them but others couldn't

Could people please let me know if you can see my photos please?
I can see them
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by barney »

ScotRoutes wrote: Sun May 10, 2020 7:52 pm
barney wrote: Sun May 10, 2020 7:45 pm I've had a bit of trouble posting images, I could see them but others couldn't

Could people please let me know if you can see my photos please?
I can see them
cheers! :-bd
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by JohnClimber »

Barney, I've no idea about the golf course one.

It wasn't ment to be there I promise.

I'll give you a refund mate ;-)
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by Sussex Paul »

Well I had fun doing the lite version down here on Friday and Saturday. Thanks Landslide for the GRs, made for an interesting combination of old routes, and some new places I'd not ridden before. Out early on my own on Friday morning, but the kids wanted to join in, so we all camped in the garden together, and the eldest joined me on Saturday to pick up a couple of the nearest checkpoints.

Route planning - old school with a mug of tea

Single track through one of the checkpoints - Verdley Wood, haunted by a bear apparently

A view I've not seen before -

On the way to a Deer Tower I didn't know existed -

Saturday afternoon out with the eldest son picking up a couple of checkpoints

Really enjoyed this, and reading everyone's write-ups, thanks all
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by Sussex Paul »

RIP wrote: Sun May 10, 2020 6:58 pm Nobody's got my "bonus photo" location yet. No prizes, but I wouldn't want to, er, rob anyone of the satisfaction of getting it.
Is it the scene of the great train robbery, somewhere near Wing? Used to drive past on the way to sample the delights of MK as youngster
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by RIP »

Sussex Paul wrote: Sun May 10, 2020 9:21 pm
RIP wrote: Sun May 10, 2020 6:58 pm Nobody's got my "bonus photo" location yet. No prizes, but I wouldn't want to, er, rob anyone of the satisfaction of getting it.
Is it the scene of the great train robbery, somewhere near Wing? Used to drive past on the way to sample the delights of MK as youngster

Yep, well done SP. Bridego bridge at Ledburn.
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by MM-on-POINT »

This morning I awoke still feeling very accomplished at this weekends V-WRT, lite version with the boys and mummy, They did amazing.

Usually for the final day I ride over Dylife gorge and have a chat with Don the farmer at the bottom before rolling in to BB towers.
Don the farmer is a lovely person and me and Barney met him a few years ago 2 weeks after his triple heart bypass whilst he was out on top of his mountain feeding the sheep. He told us tales about the history of Dylife and Carno as well as the woes and fortune of local farmers.
He gave us permission to cycle on his land and we made it tradition to pop in yearly. I really missed this part of my WRT this year.
However I have really enjoyed the virtual spirit amongst us all and cant praise John enough for organising it all.

With no grid refs left for me to get I planned to just cycle down some lanes I haven't done so yet. Then a friend posted up a pic on FB of a sign on a fence access to a bridal way.
ImagePSX_20200510_214514 by Matthew Reilly, on Flickr
After reading it I felt compelled to take action, I knew where this bridalway was so I grabbed my helmet, gloves and bike and set off now with a new GR.
Taking in lanes I haven't cycled before I came across a abandoned farm, something I thought you only see in mid wales, todays V-WRT ride started to slightly feel like the real thing.
ImagePSX_20200510_202204 by Matthew Reilly, on Flickr
A later start to my ride seemed to coincide with the sun appearing and other road users disappearing.
ImagePSX_20200510_202411 by Matthew Reilly, on Flickr
In fact the lanes where so clear at one point it was just me a fox who was totally unaware of my presence in the middle of the lane.
I wanted to grab a photo but i was going down a gentle gradient and needed to feather the brakes.
ImagePSX_20200510_202625 by Matthew Reilly, on Flickr

ImagePSX_20200510_202813 by Matthew Reilly, on Flickr

Now on a gravel BW heading toward my GR for the day I could see why locals or the land owners would place signs up to deter more foot fall through their picturesque part of the world.
However bridal ways are for every one to use, so there is no excuse and I am going to get this sorted.

ImagePSX_20200510_203228 by Matthew Reilly, on Flickr
I arrive at one of the offending signs posted up on a gate across the path, a electric operated gate no less with a simple green button to gain access.
Right... it is time for me to do my social civic duty and sort this issue out.
I rummaged through my basket for my swiss army knife, then, scissors drawn, I start to take action....
ImagePSX_20200510_203020 by Matthew Reilly, on Flickr
I cut some electric tape and string then wrapped it around a bottle of hand sanitizer and voila I have single handily resolved this issue and people can continue to use this path safely :wink: :cool: :lol:

Time to turn the wheels homeward bound but not before witnessing one last bit of madness, an electric fence around someone's garden bush🤔
ImagePSX_20200510_203454 by Matthew Reilly, on Flickr

Crossing the junction road over the A483 the road looked eerily empty
ImagePSX_20200510_203853 by Matthew Reilly, on Flickr

A last hill took me home just in time for my kebab delivery, signalling the end of my 2020 WRT, or should I say 2020 V-WRT.
ImagePSX_20200510_204339 by Matthew Reilly, on Flickr

It has been a great weekend.
Thanks to all involved and I hope you all enjoyed it too.
Last edited by MM-on-POINT on Mon May 11, 2020 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WhereYouAre Ride Thing 2020

Post by techno »

BigdummySteve wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 11:05 am Grid references, hopefully I’ve provided something which will lead to good riding
1.   515084 436327 swine not been yet.
2.   514898 428062 docks not been yet. Impossible?
3.   509274 432046 Oak road visited
4.   502001 433296 Skidby mill visited
5.   517118 425078 Paull. Not been yet
6.   502600 423403 Barton on Humber. Long range photo
7.   504588 430826 willerby, visited with isaac
8.   493703 433000 weedly. Visited
9.   495099 429200 elloughton. Visited
10.  502095 438974 black mill. Visited

A photo from each one would be great, virtual sightseeing  :-bd
It was an early set off for me this morning after plenty of coffee.
I managed to get out before any of the kids woke up too which made my escape much easier and the weather was already looking good as I pedalled north to my first GR on Oak road playing fields:

After a mix of b roads and bridleways and a quick look at Beverly minster where i caught the 7am bells:

I reached my GR at Black mill on the commons of Beverly Westwood, this was a chalk mill I think, there's loads of old pits on the Westwood from the old open cast mining which are great for a spot of hooning down if you're so inclined. loads of cows and mushrooms on the common but thankfully not too many people yet:

Next GR was at another mill, Skidby ("sh1t town" if you're Danish). Again no sails on this one but these are away for servicing apparently:
GR4 Image

A couple of villages along I was presented with two comedy moments 100m apart. First a quickick titter at an entirely reasonable street name:
Followed by an unfortunate caravan:

After that a road climb to a naughty but nice footpath downhill. This took me to my GR at weedly spring. A lovely spot with an active spring and the world's shortest section of single-track:
GR8 Image

This was the crux of my ride today and I headed back towards home and another GR. This is again reached by a footpath that joins on to a dead end bridleway. Bloody stupid access laws.
This one is between brantingham and elloughton dale. By now there were lots of walkers and a few cyclists, most people were very pleasant with the majority giving each other the appropriate space to pass.
Elloughton dale:
GR9 Image

Next up was a long range photo of a GR Steve had provided on the south bank. I'm not averse to visiting Lincolnshire but I was out of time so this'll have to do. Just to the left of the far towers is GR6

From there I passed the cycle speedway track:
Then span home along the riverbank and over the roof of the old warehousing on the side of Albert dock: Image

When I got home I set up the bivi for me and the kids: Image

And enjoyed a few refreshments:

No GRs collected on Saturday but I did manage a quick ride with the kids to Pearson park for a clamber on the fallen oak tree.

Then on Sunday I went out with Isaac to bag GR7. This one was at a bridleway between willerby and cottingham. Bit chillier today but we enjoyed. He's a great riding companion and loves camping too :-bd


Great stuff, thanks for the GRs Steve. To tell the truth there's only 2 of them I've not been to before (1 & 2 which I haven't been to yet, but I will!!). But the riding was great and I'll be out again soon to pick up the strays. Great to read everyone elses reports and see your necks of the woods too. Good work all.

Day 1: https://strava.app.link/yMp2l0P0n6
Day 2: https://strava.app.link/oVFZm6M0n6
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