A special thank you from me - BB200/300

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A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

Morning all, I hope you've all dried out. This is a thank you from me. It is a very special thank you in praise of not just fortitude but also of your skills.

I could quite easily have cancelled this years BB200 and I imagine many would have but I chose not to. I took that decision not because I'm reckless or uncaring but because I had enough faith in all of you not to. I knew it would be tough out there but I believed that you have the right to make your own decisions and not have someone else dictate to you what you should or shouldn't be doing. I'm both a little relieved and very proud to say that you all acted in a way that makes me beieve I made the right decision to continue.

I'd also say that any critism of people helping each other and pulling together, is not only unhelpful but also highlights a lack of understanding about what makes this place what it is and the people who frequent it, what they are.

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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Asposium »

Thanks for organising, and for bringing together such an inclusive community
I’ll be back next year
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by sean_iow »

Thanks Stu and Dee, I loved it once again, even if sometimes on the way round I might not have known that at the time.

I think everyone made the right decision for themselves when it came to the risks and everyone made it back safe. Having now slept and read it again I'm going to assume that the initial comment was said tounge in cheek, although a winky face would have helped :wink:

I'll do propper write up when I get home, just the drive back to the sunny Isle of Wight now :grin:

Thanks again for all your hard work.
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Mark E »

A big thanks to both of you from me as well. It is a cracking event and one I always look forward to every year. Thanks again
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by whitestone »

Cheers to Dee and Stu. Somewhat ironic that the drive home was in sunny, still conditions. :roll:
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by slarge »

Yes, thanks Stu for keeping the event on and not cancelling. It was a brilliant route, just a little too much wind (I blame the wind turbines - have you noticed that the faster they go round the windier it gets? Conspiracy from the Welsh government to keep the hills quiet!!)

It was a relief to finish, and to confirm that all others had finished safely also, the little group of us 300 riders at 7pm last night made it feel quite a special place to be.

Was even rewarding giving Mike's only spare tube to a rider at the end of his wits near the end to get him rolling again. Not sure what Mike would have done if he had punctured, but would have been a small sacrifice for him to pay to make sure all finished within the 36 hours :-bd ..
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by lune ranger »

:-bd Thanks again guys
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Wilkyboy »

Thanks Stu and Dee for having the guts to let us continue — certainly memorable. I found myself giggling at the silliness of the conditions on the hilltops — the wind was utterly ferocious!

I thought the route was especially tough since most of the big descents came all-at-once — no drawn out, hour-long descents at 30mph, more like tough, rocky, on-the-brakes descents over in ten minutes — scant reward for all the climbing involved! Benign-looking on paper, but tough in the flesh.

The river crossings were a new one to me and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience :wink:

And thank you both for looking after us at the end — you should make more noise about the hall being available for a snooze before driving back as that was exactly what I needed, topped up with a few stops along the way back to Cambridge, home in time for dinner :-bd
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by darbeze »

Thank you for not cancelling. I "enjoyed" the 20 or so miles that I covered before deciding that another 100 miles and 20 hours or so was not the right thing for me in those conditions.

I even managed to lose my way slightly and get a puncture on the way back, which I thought was quite funny.

I enjoyed my chats with those I rode with briefly. Always makes me smile that I often don't even ask names, we just chat and the fact that what we are doing at the time is unusual is never a factor.

My entire interaction with other riders while out on the route was one of a united community. Working out a alternative route when we got to the first water crossing. Making sure each other are OK when we pass them at the side of the route. Being asked if I was OK as i was making my way back to the start. Having a brew and chat afterwards. Helping a stranger lift their bike into their car back at Llanbrynmair as they hadn't the strength to do it themselves.

I feel very fortunate to be part of this community. Even when I don't finish an event, it's always a pleasure to take part and be amongst like minded people like you all.

So a big thank you to Stu and Dee for putting this all together, and thank you my fellow riders for being my kind of mad!

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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Mike »

Mate as usual u both put together a great time for all. I love the fact that u ordered some truley sh1t weather this year just to make things more interesting ;0)
I think everyone that started out on route no matter how far they got deserves a pat on the back. The conditions were vile to say the least. I'm glad that everyone had their wits about them to make good judgement calls on how they dealt with the obvious risks that were there. It was great to see folk pulling together and helping out others. This I'm sure kept folk safe because things could of gone horribly wrong sat morn out there!
Note to self.... When carrying a water filter, use it.
I didn't take into account the water run off from the fields I'm assuming my stomach is in turmoil due to the amount of sheep sh1t I think I may of diluted in my water. This folks doesn't substitute electrolytes :lol:
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

It was a relief to finish, and to confirm that all others had finished safely also, the little group of us 300 riders at 7pm last night made it feel quite a special place to be.
Couldn't agree more Steve.


Something almost magical happened at 7.48 last night when Kenny rode in with 2 minutes to spare to collect the last orange badge of the weekend. It must have taken an unimaginable effort on Kenny's part but that wasn't the magical bit. The special part was knowing that you lot had waited to see him in and to see that you were all so obviously made up that he'd got back within the alloted time. (sorry for the poor picture).

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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by psling »

That's all.
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by rich.mike »

Huge thanks for organising the event Stu, brilliant route as always, I actually enjoyed the river crossings (maybe type 2 fun!). I'm glad the event wasn't cancelled, anyone attempting a Bear Bones 200/300km event should be sensible enough to know if the conditions are above their ability, it was good seeing people stick together in the adverse conditions.

I guess the weather made up for the WRT this year!

My lift home got a DNF so when I trundled back at 6:13 he wanted to drive straight home so no black badge for me, if I send a stamped addressed envelop, can I get another badge to add to the collection?!
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

My lift home got a DNF so when I trundled back at 6:13 he wanted to drive straight home so no black badge for me, if I send a stamped addressed envelop, can I get another badge to add to the collection?!
I'll post you one down - will it be to the address I've got?
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by gairym »

Been a couple of years now since my last BB200 attendance but I'd also like to add my thanks to Stu and Dee for putting on such a brilliant event.

A lovely breath of fresh air in a world of overly sanitised/corporate events and mainstream silliness.

A wonderful mix of punk/DIY ethos, common sense allowed free reign and folks with genuine love and respect for the great outdoors - what's not like???

Just following the build up, event and fall out is tiring enough nevermind getting out there and doing it in those conditions and so much kudos and many chapeaus to everyone who gave it a shot!

Hopefully see you all there this time next year for sun, smiles and dusty trails.....
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by pistonbroke »

Well done Richard, shows the hot weather training we did in August paid off. Seriously, I'm strugging to think of any conditions that are further from those you rode in.Knowing the area around Hyddgen and Plynlimon intimately having organised Trailquests there for 10 years and developed the Mach 1,2 and 3 trails, it's not an area for the faint hearted.
Congrats to Mike, Al? and Kenny and the other 2 who I've not met as well. Top effort.
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by flyingpig »

Thank you Stuart and Dee.

Credit to you firstly for leaving the decision to the riders. We all have a different threshold and ability and it's good that we can make our own assessments and decisions without some corporate with a clipboard filling in a risk assessment form at the event base! Instead we get a little advice that no one will think the worse of you if you'd like to find an alternative route to the 'ford' at around the 20k mark.

Your hospitality was really appreciated, that mug of tea and bacon roll was top drawer after that ride!

This was my second BB200 but the first one I've done entirely solo, getting back a little after 11.30am just in time to upgrade my green little cloth badge for a blue one!

Bloody gates as everyone else has said were difficult to deal with solo and also river crossings. I understand the theoretical technical viewpoint about the aiding of other riders in the river situations but bloody hell where's the commerarderie, humanity or common decency toward your fellow riders let alone putting the 'rules' above helping someone in true difficulty.

A route so clever in the planning, knackering you out right from the very start to ensure all the obstacles you encounter inflict their maximum and take a little more from you each time. Hike a bike sections were long and gruelling and often followed a climb or difficult riding so you reach them tired and complete them ruined! Man up an keep moving forward I just kept saying to myself!

Add very poor weather into the equation and you feel you have achieved something amazing that not many other people are capable of.

I'll be back, one day I hope that I've earned one of those little cloth badges in black!
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by rich.mike »

Bearbonesnorm wrote:
My lift home got a DNF so when I trundled back at 6:13 he wanted to drive straight home so no black badge for me, if I send a stamped addressed envelop, can I get another badge to add to the collection?!
I'll post you one down - will it be to the address I've got?
If it's Number 16, that's the one! Thank you so much.
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Richard G »

I love you guys and gals (fellow riders and obviously Stu and Dee). Can't say much more than that really.

Hell of a community.
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Charliecres »

I’ve really enjoyed watching this one from the sidelines. I *almost* wish I’d been there. So, thanks all for the entertainment and inspiration. And of course thanks to Stu and Dee for making the magic happen.
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Zippy »

I haven't got a lot to say from an armchair position, other than well done to everyone who set off. That looked properly challenging from what I can read/seen photos of.
Thank you Stu for trusting us to make our own decisions, that sort of thing is unfortunately rare these days.
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by barney »

Big respect to everyone who started and even bigger respect to all the finishers

It's still on my bucket list and I've decided its how I'm going to celebrate my 50th birthday... Stu, you've got to keep organising this for another 15 years! :wink:
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by Bearlegged »

Do it next year and have a 14 years long party.
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Re: A special thank you from me - BB200/300

Post by dlovett »

It was great fun, despite the end result meaning that I'm still not being able to walk properly or ride a bike. Still the knee's skin has at least sealed now, just got to get the muscles and bruising sorted now.
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