Bivvy a month 2018.

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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Blair512 »

htrider wrote:4/4 AKA The Scottish Spring thing. A select bunch of me, Blair and Jamiep rode some trails round Fife, drank some beer, stayed at the Fife 5 star bivvy spot, rode some more trails went home.

In view of the on-going debate about what is or isn't Bikepacking, I'm confused, however we experienced the following, (all typical of a Scottish mountainbike trip :wink: ), so I'll let the panel decide:.....
The sun blazed down both days and it was warm.
The wind was behind us pretty much all the way round, thanks to a 180 shift overnight
We rode great trails
Did a massive hike a bike climb
There was enough mud to be fun (Blair went knee deep) and make the bikes look like we were hardcore adventurers, but not so much that it was an impediment to progress
We had a fire (in a stove)
One of us cried (me after eating the worlds most powerful chilli and again the following morning in the bivvy toilet)
We waxed lyrical about the amazing experiences we'd had and how it had changed out lives ( = drank beer in the pub and talked sh*te)
We suffered (me after eating said chilli and Blair after drinking a bottle of Newcastle brown)
We ate cake
It was a cracking trip Phil, included all of the necessary elements although I'm sure I had one beer to many!
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Blair512 »

OK so to get me caught up....February seen Gill and I cycle part of the way up the WHW to Rowardennan where we got suitable drunk in the pub before pitching the tent next to the loch side, breakfast in the pub the next morning and then followed the previous days track back to the car.

ImageIMG_20180224_162528 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180224_164149 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180225_073227 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180225_081033 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180225_101641 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Blair512 »

....March was a quick overnighter with work the next day, my first chance to try out my DD superlight tarp and BBB carbon pole. Cozy night was had despight it blowing a hoolie outside, cycled straight to work the next day and spent most of the day napping at my desk!

ImageIMG_20180321_215148 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180322_054557 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180322_010342 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180322_055757 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180322_062519 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Blair512 »

And finally....April seen Jamie Phil and I depart on the Scottish Spring Thing. As Phil said a cracking weekend was had, there was mud (up to my knees), hike a bike, good trails, beer, Phil crying trying to eat his chilli :lol: , decent stopover for the night and a nice easy ride home round the coastal path the next day

ImageIMG_20180414_153414 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180414_164138 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180414_164629 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180414_170214 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180414_224805 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180414_224832 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180415_085026 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180415_110458 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180415_101142 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr

ImageIMG_20180415_120953 by Blair Caldwell, on Flickr
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by fatbikephil »

Finally made it to a more exotic location for this one. It was also my warmest bivvy since January!
After a leisurely drive up the A9 to Blair Atholl (rush hour plus lots of tourists) I abandoned the heap and headed up Glen tilt. The weather had been funny all day with intermittent showers of dreich and lots of cloud. It had looked sunny as I drove north but by the time I'd departed it was decidedly grey looking. Fortunately the stiff breeze was behind me so I made good progress up the glen, emerging at the top at around 8.30. A few spots presented themselves for stopping but I fancied a bit of shelter so pressed on until he ruins of Bynack Lodge. By this time it was so gloomy I'd had to take off my shades and sure enough as I pitched the tarp there was a faint hint of drizzle in the air.... In the event it was dry, warm and pleasant night. :-bd


No sign of the forecasted heatwave but as usual I was totally over dressed so no problems. Next up was the infamous geldie crossing. True to form it was somewhat deeper than expected all thanks to the large amount of snow still hanging around above 700m. This set the pattern for the weekend. Any burn or river that was fed above this height was fairly flowing.


I managed to ride it with only a dab at the end (on a rock so no wet feet) so was quite pleased. It didn't last as my route took me along to Linn of Quoich and I'd forgotten the bridge there now no longer crosses the river.... Of course the ford was deep enough to go over my (goretex) boots - I blame the Jones' low BB! I'd thought of doing Glen Gairn but the single track crosses the gairn itself twice as well as a couple of burns flowing off Ben Avon which would be high given the snow melt. Instead I ground up the big track out of Invercauld over the Glen Gairn as per the CL route. Just as I crested the summit an eagle soared away from me and circled for a while over the glen. Bombing down into Glen gairn confirmed my choice - the Gairn was high and you could see the burns flowing off Ben Avon as white torrents.


I had an early lunch at Loch builg lodge wondering how the CL group starters were getting on. The sun was now beating down and I had a strong tailwind. The firestation café in Tomintoul provided lunch no. 2. I was heading for my friends place near Aberlour but instead of an easy cruise down the road I turned off on a trail into the Braes of Glenlivet and then after a bit of navigational faffing picked up a track from Ladder foot into the top end of Glenlivet itself. I stopped to check out what I'd thought was a bothy and was please to find it was, albeit a bit run down and home to a rather annoyed crow. Then it was up the climb and over into Glenfiddich. I was down to shorts and T shirt now as it was properly roasting. The descent is fast and with the tailwind was easy. I stopped at the spookily empty Glenfiddich lodge and contemplated a nosy inside but a truck turned up so I just took a photo instead:


Very weird - there is still furniture inside and its all just been left. the landowner isn't interested in selling it so is just leaving it to fall into ruin...

After the lodge I ground up another big climb which gave stunning views all round and lead to a nice descent on a rough, vague farm track, something that seems to be increasingly rare with all the wind farm developments everywhere.


Thereafter it was a brief road ride to Aberlour and the Speyside way to my pals place for beer, food and chat. I did actually bivvy on their floor but I'll not try to claim it!

The next day started fairly calm so I got away at 10 with a vague plan to head for Aviemore then down the Gaick back to Blair Atholl. I'd considered including Ben alder in the proceedings but this would have meant another night out and I really needed to be back home that evening. After Bridge of Avon I picked up the CL loop but didn't meet any group start riders until the river before the egg path. A couple of guys were crossing the other way having bivvied that night in Rothiemurchus. Good progress guys! I missed out Ryvoan as I needed supplies and the paths around Glenmore would be crowded as would the cafe. So I followed the CL route backwards to Aviemore had chips from the happy haggis, grabbed scran at the garage and got going.

By this time I'd noted that the wind had got up substantially. Turning south west down the spey valley confirmed my worst fears - it was right in my face. I diverted off the road at Feshie Bridge to pick up the CL outward route which gave some respite but when I started the long climb up Glen Tromie I knew it was going to be a slow one.

Headwind Karma - I've been pretty lucky of late with no major headwind issues for a number of years and lots of trips (including both Highland Trails I've done) whereby some random wind changes have served me well. So I guess this was payback and given the stunning weather I couldn't really complain. So it was a case of get your head down and dig in. To the head of the pass took along time. I'm fairly relaxed about such things these days whereas once upon a time this relentless blast in my face would have had me cursing and swearing. The wind cares not a jot for such outpourings and you are better saving your energy for pedalling.

I got a shock when I came upon the river flowing out of Loch an duin - it was in full flow and well over a foot deep. I've never seen this river as deep as this, even in pretty wet weather. Having narrowly escaped a dunking in the Alt Garbh Gaig (fat tyres are ace for river crossings) I wasn't taking any chances so took shoes and socks off and paddled across.


A final feed to fuel all this hard pedalling was had in the sun whilst my feet dried; then it was off along the single track. Being in the lee of the slope I finally got a break from the wind and after the usual faff to get from the single track to the track by the lodge, bombed down the glen to the road. Fortunately the road / cycleway to Blair Atholl runs almost due west at this point so I finished with an easy pedal and a strong tailwind, getting back to the car at 7. Total distance 280k.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

May, as per WRT, a wood somewhere in Wales:

"My God, Ponsonby, I'm two-thirds of the way to the grave and what have I done?" - RIP

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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Pickers »

5/5 here as well courtesy of the WRT. 1st night near the car park in Dyfnant. Kept awake in the night for a while by some rally cars out practising for next weeks Plains Rally - if we'd known they were out playing we'd probably have watched them! Didn't expect the whine of straight cut gearboxes at 2:30 am!
Second night we dropped proper lucky near LLanfair Caereinion, an old workhouse of some sort right next to the river. Plenty enough room for 5 on the floor and a hammock!
Untitled by Richard Picton, on Flickr

Even Stu wasn't aware of this one - it was quite close to "civilisation". One of our colleagues had beaten us to it and left his moniker.....
Untitled by Richard Picton, on Flickr
Some of my pics

We’re gonna need snacks

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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

"My God, Ponsonby, I'm two-thirds of the way to the grave and what have I done?" - RIP

The sign outside the asylum is the wrong way round.....

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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Scattamah »

5/5 here. Birdhide @ Vyrnwy on Sat. night. Farmers field in Llangadfan Sun. night.


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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Dr Nick »

5/5 courtesy of the WRT. I was riding with Pickers and the other 'Men from U.N.C.L.E.' (TM Notinabox) and he summed it up well, but was far too modest to say what a great route he'd planned including bits of Stuart's big bear route.

Everything including quiet lanes, gravel, mud, bog and tussocky deathmarch along with slightly off-route slurry :lol:
Not so much a gravel grinder.... more a gravel (mud and tarmac) groveller...
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by BigdummySteve »

Pickers wrote:5/5 here as well courtesy of the WRT. 1st night near the car park in Dyfnant. Kept awake in the night for a while by some rally cars out practising for next weeks Plains Rally - if we'd known they were out playing we'd probably have watched them! Didn't expect the whine of straight cut gearboxes at 2:30 am!
Second night we dropped proper lucky near LLanfair Caereinion, an old workhouse of some sort right next to the river. Plenty enough room for 5 on the floor and a hammock!
Untitled by Richard Picton, on Flickr

Even Stu wasn't aware of this one - it was quite close to "civilisation". One of our colleagues had beaten us to it and left his moniker.....
Untitled by Richard Picton, on Flickr
5/5 for me as well, as above :-bd (apart from 1st night in car outside the star)

Was a good couple of nights especially our collective bivvy in shed type thing. Mood lighting, posh coffee with a nip of brandy, we know how to do it in style :-bd
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by JohnClimber »

The WRT make it 5/5 and 25/25

Even saw several and caught a photo of a shooting star from my bivi*


*15 second exposure was too short for this to be a satellite as they don't move that quick
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by whitestone »

Likewise up to 5/5

This was Saturday's on the old Roman road from Brithdir



And this was Sunday's by the side of Lake Vyrnwy

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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by middleagedmadness »

as above 3/5 on wrt first night spent up above barmouth in the woods ,woken about 3am by some red necks in a 4x4 with all spot lights blaring into the lhc camp , back off to sleep and woke to this when i looked out of my bivy bag
Image2018-05-07_07-46-10 by Stuart Dean, on Flickr
and the spot was nowhere as near as steep as this makes it look

Image2018-05-07_07-46-27 by Stuart Dean, on Flickr
second night was spent in a loveley spot thanks to young ben
Image2018-05-07_05-33-45 by Stuart Dean, on Flickr
even had its own long drop loo
ImageLong drop loo Stuart Dean, on Flickr
so missed jan due to family and march due to illness, better start must be made next year and get as many in as possible for the rest of this year
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by frogatthefarriers »

Two for one at the WRT

1st night in forestry near Penygarnedd:-

2nd Day:-
There's a BW that starts at SH 850 337 going westwards. Don't be fooled by Google earth into thinking that there's a track on the ground.
The start:-

The middle:-

Grimpen mire. Edgar Allan Poe could have taken inspiration from this place

World class tussocks

Near the end, looking back:-

I saw no wheel marks as I pushed and lifted my bike but there were a few boot prints here and there. I smiled to myself when I thought of the laugh any hikers might have when they saw that some fool had pushed a bike along there, then about half-way through I looked back and could see a group of three following. "Oh ho!" I thought, "at least I'm not the only sucker around here"

Bivvy, 2nd night at the Torrent Walk, Brithdir
What a truly magical place this is...

On the way back to the towers, the remains of a tramway from Corris, I think.

The end:-

What a wonderful institution the WRT is. I look forward to the next one as soon as it's over, although I won't be wishing for good weather next time. Too hot for me, by far. I'm so glad my Lady put some sun-block into a small tub for me to take - I'd have been burnt to a crisp otherwise.

Thanks Stu & Dee for a great weekend away again.!!
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Ray Young »

5/5 with a trip to Dryfehead bothy which I'd not visited before. Drove to Moffat last night and followed the Romans and Reivers way for for a bit before taking the track to the bothy. I wanted to check the climb from Garogill as I'd not done it before, god is it steep but it's a good path so pushing is a bit easier than anticipated. Had the bothy to myself and can recommend it for a visit. Two rooms with fires and a tiny third room that has a sleeping platform for one. Ate spag bol, drank some plonk, played the ukulele, listened to some tunes then crashed out. Today saw me taking a longer route back to Moffat to get some miles in. Only bummer is my phone now doesn't seem to want to play when I want to take pictures.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by ScotRoutes »

Folk who've done the Cairngorms Loop might recognise this one...


I've passed this spot a few times and always been drawn to it as a potential bivvy spot. It's almost perfect - other than it's just a wee bit close to home and a wee bit too familiar for it to be a proper adventure. However, a number of circumstances meant that if finally played itself into the frame.



It was glorious on Saturday as the three of use rode out of Aviemore, past Ryvoan and onto the wee bit of singletrack I'd promised Neill for the next day.
It was a glorious evening when we arrived, set up camp, ate and talked nonsense.
It was a glorious night when we settled into our bags.

Then it rained - and continued doing so for the next 10 hours or so. A brief lull had us all out eating breakfast and then we were packing up just as it the rain was at its heaviest.
The lovely dry tracks we'd mostly had on the way out were now saturated with hub-deep puddles appearing. The fording of the Dorback Burn was undertaken with a lot less care than it had been the day before. And the glorious singletrack was sodden.

However, we made up for it with Pancakes at the new cafe in Nethy Bridge before the spin back to Aviemore in what was now a broken sky, warm enough that the jackets came off.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by JoseMcTavish »

Cairngorms looking lovely up there! I was stuck mainly at home this weekend due to being on call, but managed to get my May bivvy in nice and early last weekend, with the bonus of taking mini-me along too for the ride. About three hours later than I had planned, we headed out from the Linn of Quoich.

My old cargo trailer lasted all of 100m before one end of the skewer snapped off, leaving me with a painfully heavy narrow strapped bag on my shoulders!

Didn't go far at all to keep the fun factor up

Kids and flames, what could possibly go wrong?

Home for the night

5/5 so far and I've also finally got round to starting a blog after many years of prevaricating!
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by TheBrownDog »

5/5 for me and it was a lovely afternoon for a ride and a perfect evening to get back in a hammock. I was quite late leaving the house so rode all of 15 miles around my patch, ending up at the local jump spot to find the diggers have moved a couple of fly-tipped sofas into a mini grandstand. They will have to go - nothing attracts litter, louts and fires like a couple of old sofas.


Anyhoo, after a nice light meal at the pub - piece of trout and vegies - I plunged into the undergrowth, hung my hammock up and nestled down just before 10pm. My God these things are comfortable. I don't sleep well normally, not at home and certainly not in a tent. But put me in a hammock and as long as Im warm, which I was, I could sleep for Britain, which I did. Woke at 5am to the shouty birds, packed up quick and I'm now on my sofa with a nice coffee and the cat starting daggers at me for leaving her alone overnight yet again.

Right. Can't hang about. Busy busy busy morning and a Royal Wedding to avoid.

I'm just going outside ...
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by RIP »

Surely the sofas were a golden opportunity for an unusual bivi there Tim :smile:. Or did they have "unwelcome residents"..
"My God, Ponsonby, I'm two-thirds of the way to the grave and what have I done?" - RIP

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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by TheBrownDog »

Or did they have "unwelcome residents"..
Nothing untoward when I passed by Reg, but not 100m from spot is the epicentre of the local cottaging scene. Or, so they tell me ....

So, thus far I've managed to completely avoid anything Royal Weddingish .... but my lady friend who lives in Windsor and is very excited by it all just called to tell me she has appeared on Sky news singing God Save The Queenand waving a Union Jack flagette, and that she would really like it if I would drive over there, and bring something for the BBQ .............. God Save Me.
I'm just going outside ...
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Ray Young »

TheBrownDog wrote:So, thus far I've managed to completely avoid anything Royal weddingish............. God Save Me.
And the queen...................or preferably not, or any of the others for that matter. There, I said it :o !
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by bgrunes »

Mays bivvy, first time using a hammock. As I was not sure if it was going to be for me kept it as cheap as possible with a purchase of a Decathlon £9.99 hammock, utilising my existing tarp and mat.
Not a bad sleep, mat kept slipping away but overall worked and stayed warm. Now all this as got me looking for the next purchase, looks like some investment going to DD hammocks.

Anyway great night, good weather, great quiet spot and of course good company with some beers. 5/5


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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by benconnolli »

Keen to try out my ultracheap (£7.35) gorilla cage alternative and make use of yet another ridiculously lovely weekend of Welsh weather, I set off. Whenever I tell anyone here I have a mountain bike here they have been like "Have you been to Coed y brenin? I hear it's amazing" "Nah I prefer to roll around nowhere in particular then sleep in a ditch." "Oh..." So after spotting multiple bivi spots with the LHC going the reverse direction, I figured yeah I could give that Coed y Brenin a spin. I was nearly just over the hill and lagging, as you can when it is just you and the bike, I stopped to inspect a stone hut for spot potential and found it to have boulders and nettles covering the floor, then went up to a mound to see just over the hill and it had a flat top with integrated mossy pillow. Winner! The skyline was a backdrop of rolling valleys, tipped with silhouettes of conifers standing to attention as the sunset slowly spun the clouds through a spectrum of peach to orange. I have opted for disposable film cameras while bikepacking, so you will have to imagine the scenes until I finish the roll, as I got fed up with constantly having to re-roll dry bags and generally be precious with electronics.

Woke early and had my soaked oats with that nom butter from the wrt, food of the gods maybe not, but it fuelled my motor to carry me to my destination well before any full sus laden VW vans reared their ugly heads. Even with the trails to myself, I just was't feeling them. Now don't get me wrong, the forest is a lovely place to be, if you are all about riding as fast and as gnarly as you like I am sure it is the best place for that, but I felt like my exploration had been stripped away from me as I followed the singletrack curves of thousands of bikers before me. The crafted berms and flow were too far from wild for my liking. I refused to have their prescribed fun so fled for the Mawddach trail to Barnmouth, hipster grumbles about not doing the same thing as every other cyclist now conveniently forgotten.
XL bottle cage from sjs cycles with two 2L bottles slotted together. The joys of indestructible plastic packaging. Backdrop is a fancy fence what I made
XL bottle cage from sjs cycles with two 2L bottles slotted together. The joys of indestructible plastic packaging. Backdrop is a fancy fence what I made
lilbike.JPG (175.1 KiB) Viewed 3473 times
Gorilla bag did not fall apart and stayed waterproof through my spray gun cleaning but was pretty tough to open as both halves are exactly the same size so it would suit tools, cookset and food only needed in evening/mornings. It only needs to last until the next petrol station when it can be replaced in minutes with a small blade and sharp mind. Will experiment with combinations of bottles as they become available.
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Re: Bivvy a month 2018.

Post by Bearlegged »

Another evening pootle into the Peak for me.

The plan was to meet a couple of friends at the pub. In the event, only one turned up, the other citing summat about too much work, and too much beer, and too many hills...

So, two of us headed up the road, down a track, along a path, and ended up in a delightful wooded glade just after sunset.
It was lovely looking up through the tree canopy to the stars.
This morning dawned rather beautifully, and breakfast was rustled up: porridge, coffee, and the biggest orange I think I've ever seen!
Back home along the road, in time for the school run.

Learning points:
1) imperial stout is still the appropriate bivvy beer
2) I really need to find the slow puncture in my sleeping mat
3) I'm cautiously optimistic about Smidge

4th bivvy of the year, 3/5 months in 2018.
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