Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by Lawmanmx »

Moder-dye wrote:Tony, I'd be interested in the lfhc info and recipes if you can post them/ link to them :-bd

just google Ketogenic diet or nutritional ketosis to find out as much info as poss, then search recipes that appeal to you, please note, the first two weeks can be very 'Uncomfortable' so you have to see that AND the first 3 months out to get to the really good benefits :-bd i only tended to listen to the TRUE experts though, pof Tim noakes, Dr steven phinney, Dr Jeff volek, Dr de'agostini, Dr Peter attia and the like, read up for a few weeks before you embark on it Else you WILL make mistakes that will lead you to failiure.
best of luck :-bd it truly works, and i think anyone who has rode with me will testify ;)
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by Lawmanmx »

ton wrote:i started on reasons. and joints packing in, and i need a head start......... :grin:
the joint problem Drove me to this way of eating Tony, i was at the end of my tether with joint pain, its not fixed it completely BUT its massively improved, the health/performance benefits are a huge bonus too :-bd
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by Lawmanmx »

mountainbaker wrote:Nutritional Ketosis is all the rage, but don't believe the hype. Animal proteins, especially IGF-1 in meat and Casein found in dairy are strongly linked with increased rates of cancer, especially colorectal. Argue against it, but the evidence is there.

I've been on a 100% plant based diet for 3.5 months now, and not only have I dropped 7 Kg, I feel amazing. Also, no increase in exercise, I do about 100miles a week/10000ft climbing, but was doing that beforehand too.
hey, if that works for you then get stuck in :-bd but lets not get started on the bad stuff in meat when ALL fruits and Veggies are sprayed with every toxic chemical known to man!
i personally have been on the keto diet for coming on 2 n a half years and can tell you 100% it works, and all my bio markers are tip top (unlike when i was on carbs) ... i can understand the Ethics behind being a veggie, but we are pre disposed to eat meat (that is what we are all made from) :wink:
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by Richard G »

Lawmanmx wrote:carbs/sugars/fruits/potato/pasta/rice/bread are ALL your enemy
Of course, by the same token, that's pretty much all I eat (well, that and a good slab of protein) and I don't think I could really be much leaner than I am. ;)

As stated, the key with this stuff is finding what works for you (and what you can stick to). I did low carb for quite some time, and it was all good... but I missed the foods (and the lack of ability to work at seriously high heart rates) so I switched back. My missus tried low carb for about 6 months and became massively depressed (apparently it can screw with some women's hormones)... so that wasn't so great.
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by NorwayCalling »

Well done all those who have expressed interest!

It doesn't really matter what an when we start, as the goals are the same, share the weight loss/gain. I personally I am going for it in the New Year and posting weight and BMI on 1.1.17

Then the new chapter in my life will begin.
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by gairym »

I recently started to get my sh*t together after 3 months of accidents, injuries, work and life lead me to do very little exercise (and my own stupidity lead me to eat/drink my way to a ten year weight peak).

A few weeks ago I started at a Cross-fit gym (lunatics the lot of 'em!) and this week I (re)began Pilates classes to help with my lower back issues.

As with many of you, I'll be on damage limitation duties until the stupid season is over and then I'll be focusing a lot more of what I'm eating and (not) drinking which should mean I shift the weight much easier.

Winter is a funny one riding-wise as there's loads of fun to be had on the fatbike in the snow but very little long distance stuff to be found without travelling for an hour or two but I'm hoping to start my (variation of a) century a week challenge in the new year which will help.

Finally, we've all got our personal preferences and (often strong) opinions about which dietary approach is best and we could find a wealth of stats, articles and reports to back up our arguments but unless someone is asking for advice why don't we respectfully refrain from criticising each others approaches as it doesn't help anything or anyone but instead takes away from what we're trying to achieve, no?

Good luck everyone, see you at the weigh-in.....
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by mountainbaker »

Lawmanmx wrote:hey, if that works for you then get stuck in :-bd but lets not get started on the bad stuff in meat when ALL fruits and Veggies are sprayed with every toxic chemical known to man!
i personally have been on the keto diet for coming on 2 n a half years and can tell you 100% it works, and all my bio markers are tip top (unlike when i was on carbs) ... i can understand the Ethics behind being a veggie, but we are pre disposed to eat meat (that is what we are all made from) :wink:
I'm not saying your diet wont work, and there's evidence that ketosis is good for endurance athletes, I read a lot of Peter Attia's stuff about it, very interesting. Out of interest, how much time are you actually in Ketosis? Are you very strict?

As for "lets not get started on the bad stuff in meat when ALL fruits and Veggies are sprayed with every toxic chemical known to man!". That's not strictly true, and even if you do eat non-organic, pesticide laden fruit and veg. Think how much more grain/legumes/corn livestock eat (there's no exact answer, but it's roughly 16:1 ratio of animal feed to meat produced), and how all those toxins bioaccumulate in the meat. I didn't go vegan specifically for the ethics of it, it was more about health, and most importantly about the environmental impact of animal agriculture. Something that everyone should think about, IMHO.

At the end of the day, I think the most important thing if you actually want to make real changes is to remember that "everything in moderation" is BS, you'll only get moderate results.
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by Dr Nick »

I'm also in.

My middle aged spread has spread so time to do something about it...

I lost weight at the start of this year by eating less, eating healthly-er, and exercising more, but then odd work hours and working away from home and general laziness(!) meant good habits slipped... but at least I've still not put back on all the weight I lost... being 'dry' since Jan 4th has helped I think...

As an asthmatic, I'm also going to include my lung's peak flow measure as I'm sad enough to find that interesting. I know it's not the best measure but it'll allow me to see what changes occur. I've bought a power-breathe resistance device, after a friend had good things to say about them, so I'm hoping being fitter, carrying a little less weight, and better lungs might make me merely slow up hills in 2017 :mrgreen:
Not so much a gravel grinder.... more a gravel (mud and tarmac) groveller...
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by atk »

Appreciate not everyone is doing this but why resign yourselves to "one last binge" and then start in January? Seems like you're making extra work for yourself and making the work harder at the same time, January is already already cold, dark, miserable, everyone's skint etc. you want to work off the festive hangover/lethargy on top of that?! :roll:

It's easy enough to turn down that last glass of wine, the 3rd round of roasties and to send the 6 boxes of Quality Street (other brands available) that somehow appeared around the place to the food bank and make things a little easier for yourself...

Good luck to anyone/everyone anyway, I'm finally back to the weight I was 10 years ago, although the last 3-4lb are thanks to the fever I've had since Saturday and the few pounds before that will be lost muscle as I've not been riding anywhere near as much so there's work to be done getting that back
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by Moder-dye »

No 'one last binge' here and no hang over either as I don't drink :grin:

Damage limitation for me means enjoying the few meals out I've got arranged and being sensible in-between. After Xmas I'll be back on my fitness pal tracking food and exercise and basically cutting out any crap with lower carbs and intermittent fasting.
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by metalheart »

As moder-dye I've (somewhat unusually) a couple of meals out planned.

After that I finish work on Tuesday next week so will need to try start then.

I've been bingeing pretty much the last couple years :oops:
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by barney »

I'm in as well, a far too inactive year for all sorts of reasons resulted in a bit of a telling off last week from my "healthy heart" check up at the quacks.

Deffo need to shift a bit, perhaps the first step should be to change my avatar! :oops:
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by ScotRoutes »

atk wrote:Appreciate not everyone is doing this but why resign yourselves to "one last binge" and then start in January? Seems like you're making extra work for yourself and making the work harder at the same time, January is already already cold, dark, miserable, everyone's skint etc. you want to work off the festive hangover/lethargy on top of that?!
Maybe because some of us enjoy a bit of indulgence over the festive period? Even I get a bit sociable for a couple of weeks :cool:
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by PaulB »

I am in Lawmanmx 100%, been LCHF just over 2 years. Take a look at [url][/url]
Loads of great guidance, recipies etc. There is a section on the site on a 4 week starter guide including recipes and shopping list.

Good luck to you all.
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by RIP »

No intention of turning this into a non-meat-eating proselytisation thread but 'predisposed to eat meat....that is what we are made of' cannot pass unchallenged I'm afraid ;)

A/ those 2 statements are a beautiful non sequitur
B/ humans have been 'predisposed' to many things over the years but have brains that allow them to try and move away from strange habits: slavery, genocide, injustice, bigotry, cycle touring with heavy bags.....

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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by ton »

FAT is actually the preferred fuel of human metabolism, and this can be traced back to our evolutionary roots.
and that is the reason primal and ketosis eating works. so bacon, sausage, black pudding, eggs here we come.............. :grin:
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by Lawmanmx »

as i said in my Earlier post, research read, read again and then read some more, lots of people think they have it right (and thats fine) IF your blood bio markers tally with what you 'Think' ;) at the end of the day, i never really had a weight problem, im one of them gain it when i want and lose it when i want types, ive always been a lean/muscular type, BUT i have only ever truly seen stark quick and stable results from Keto, and coming from a life of all types of training, fitness and diets i think ive pretty much tried them all! the thing with Keto is ... most people 'dabble' with it, so to truly get the full benefits from it you have to live it 24/7 which most people find 'TOO RESTRICTIVE' they then cheat and blame the diet for any/all problems, anyways, whichever route you take to get to the desired result you require then All the very best to ya ;)
small note: with Keto, the majority of peeps who try this way of eating make the doomed to failiure mistake of NOT eating enough natural Animal Fats!

best of luck everyone
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by Bearbonesnorm »

small note: with Keto, the majority of peeps who try this way of eating make the doomed to failiure mistake of NOT eating enough natural Animal Fats!
After making breakfasts at Bearstock, I can fully vouch for the fact that Tony doesn't make the above mistake :wink:
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by benp1 »

Tony, if anyone saw you drinking that drink made up dripping, fat and beef I reckon they'll be off the keto diet for life :grin:

I'm planning to overindulge over xmas - savoury, sweet, cheese, cake, etc, and I won't be riding to work, so will somehow need to get out and burn some calories or I'm going to have a problem come January!
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by Lawmanmx »

LMAO :lol: when i say i Live it, i TRULY live it :-bd i find the benefits waaaay out weigh the want of 'normal foods' .... Plus, i really enjoy keto foods, get yerself in ketosis for a solid 6 weeks and see how your tastebuds change for the better ;)
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by benp1 »

Lawmanmx wrote:LMAO :lol: when i say i Live it, i TRULY live it
Well you certainly were

Those floating globules of fat and that 'fatberg' bit of lard that you were trying to break up.... there's no appropriate smiley... I think that it would have come straight up if I'd tried that!
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by Ray Young »

Well I think I'll be taking the calorie reduction route as suggested by the NHS which should see you losing 1-2 lb over a 12 week period. I aim to cut down on alcohol, sugars (cakes etc) and carb heavy foods which are all things I indulge too much in.

As for starting now the answer is no. A few more weeks of bad habits won't make much difference to my success or failure but planning ahead will. This means setting a start date so you can psych yourself up and telling people like family and friends what your doing so they can help and support you.

Good luck to everyone.
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by HaYWiRe »

Can I post my weight gain throughout the year instead? :lol:

Due to my obscene metabolic rate I cant keep my weight up and simply eating crap is not the way to go about it.
I'm at my heaviest since pre-2012 diagnosis at 9st 1lbs (in old money, still cant get used to weighing in kg)

I can finally stop wearing kids clothes which is good, but finding jeans in 28" short is tricky. sticking to a diet is easy when you have to manually calculate the function of an organ, carb and calorie counting is second nature and you'd be shocked at what you find once you start.

If anyone needs advice for losing weight, ketoacidosis is fantastic! I lost 2st 3lbs in just 2 days!*

*Disclaimer: Do NOT try this at home, seriously :lol:
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by ZeroDarkBivi »

This is a really good read; the journey to a plant based diet by Sonya Looney, elite endurance mountain biker. ... -Mentioned
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Re: Bearbones Fatfighters Club...

Post by ScotRoutes »

ZeroDarkBivi wrote:This is a really good read; the journey to a plant based diet by Sonya Looney, elite endurance mountain biker.
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