My time on the Big Bear 530

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My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by Mike »

A few years ago whilst out on a trip with Stu i happened to mention i had an idea for a ride, albeit a stupid one! I had a 2 week break coming up and had thought about riding the BB200 routes back to back in the order they came in. Now even at the time i thought it would be a bit too ambitious, but what the hell. We discussed the routes and then Stu came out with a better idea, rather than going back to BB towers every time how about linking them up?
A month or so after we returned we had a discussion on the phone, and the Big Bear was born. I asked Stu for a copy of it so i could see what he had come up with and ever since its sat in the back of my mind waiting to be done. Last year we were planning to ride it together however it never happened due to other commitments and the year just flew by. I watched and heard of others having a go at it and kinda let it pass as every time i look at the route i get intimidated by it.
Fast forward to late December last year i found myself sat in a pub in Sheffield with Mark Evans. We had a a good chat about things and sank some beers, he then picked his time and asked me if i fancied joining him on the route at Easter. Obviously after a few beers the simple answer has to be " Hell yeah, im in " . So 3 weeks ago when we had all the snow i decided to drive upto to Sheffield and do a ride with Mark so we could make plans. That ride is another story in itself! Plans where made over dinner and a date set.
This last week has been exciting for us both with Mark planning way more than me, which turned out to be a good thing. Top job fella.

ImageP3300244 by mjc_226, on Flickr

We met on Friday night at the carpark in llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant, we chose this as the start as it was the closest village for Mark to get to and a possible food stop in Knighton was achievable for us. Straight to the pub for some last min plans and a beer, we hit the sack and as we lay in our vans the rain came down. Satuarday morning came around and the rain did ease. We were up at 6, little did i know that this would be the same every day for the next few days. We were on the bikes and the first pedal strokes were made at 0750.

Right where do i begin.

Day 1 86miles 11000 ft climb

The first section to Llanfair Caereinion was pretty fast going. Mark had this little spread sheet he had made with times and distances for food stops and possible over night stops. This worked really well and we managed to keep up a 10km/hr pace. We grabbed some food/fluid from the garage, cleaned the gears ( we ended up doing this a lot on the whole trip) and made our way to Caersws. Again this section was reasonably quick and with one wind farm climb behind us, we got to the village as the temp started to drop. There’s a pub there with great facilities so we eat more food here. After Caersws there is another big climb to the second wind farm. Kerry ridge then follows and this was draggy on wet grass. Still making progress to Knighton it seemed to go on for ages and then we hit some trails on the Offa's Dyke which slowed us and one huge climb out the valley followed. Knighton finally came into view and we both smashed 12" pizzas picked up food stocks and headed for our first camp. We had Water breaks its neck as our chosen place for the night. However, it didnt give itself up easily there is a massive push up onto the tops and this was our longest and most altitude gained day. The wind had picked up and was cold. I remembered this section from our winter bivvy ride we did in the snow and was praying it had melted or it would have been hell walking that far. All clear, I think we stopped at 2am both very tired. Found a spot in the woods and that was it.

ImageP3240072 by mjc_226, on Flickr

Day 2 67miles 8500ft climbing

The morning came around way to fast for me ( we lost that hr ) and it was still dark and cold. Up, coffee n faff we were ready for another installment.
Our big goal for today was LLandovery. thinking we would be there hopefully about 5 or 6pm. No chance, this section or the ride was very taxing for us both. The trails were very wet and churned up with lots of gates to go through. One section on the original gpx isnt even on the ground so we had to find a way across a river via a track around ( this is now on the gpx route ).
We both were carrying alot of food to keep us going but we were slowly running out and were trying to make it to Llangammarch Wells for re supply. In between us was the range of hills at Llanbedr. I’ve never ridden here before and i can say it was one of my highlights of the trip. This area is so stunning with great views of the Black mtns and Brecon beacons. I should state at this point the sun was really warm and clear blue skies, we were both on a high!! Dropping off the back we found a small cafe at the old train stn in Erwood. We sat in the sun eating cake and drinking coffee whilst our sleeping bags and socks aired out. The trails after here are also cracking, but it seemed hard going for some reason we both agreed. We finally got to Llangammarch wells and the hotel was open. As we needed more energy to get us to Llandovery we decided to order the worlds most expensive sandwiches and shandy. They even cut the crusts off the bread it was that posh!! Anyhow £23 later we were

It was a hard day and our speed dropped, but we got to town around 3 hrs after we thought we would arriving at 9pm. We hit the co op and found the West End cafe still open so we ordered fish n chips both glad that they let us sit inside as they were closing up soon. It was so bloody cold outside.
I think we were out of town by 945 we knew we had a big climb in front. Off into the dark we went. You climb on lanes out of town then are faced with a huge push up on to the Mynydd Mallaen, and it is a beast. We were gutted that it was dark the views would be amazing from the top. The next section is a true Bearbones contender. Theres nothing really on the ground so following the gpx line is pretty essential in the dark. We must of been walking for around 2 hrs by now on high ground. We were both so tired and decided that we definetly wouldnt make our planned night stop at Soar y Mynydd unless we rode straight through till 6 and that isnt practical on such a long hard route unless you can function on no sleep. Im sure it was about 0230 when we stopped in the middle of no where on tussocks. The shelters were up and i crashed out to wake again at just before 6.

ImageP3250091 by mjc_226, on Flickr
ImageP3260116 by mjc_226, on Flickr

Day 3 71 miles 8900ft climbing

We got up and by the time we packed up it was getting light and the sun coming up, this put us in good spirits again but was short lived! The clouds came in and we had a freezing fog and visibility was shocking and again we found ourselves pushing over tussocks and relying on the line on the gpx for guidance for another 2 hrs. The morning was really slow going and i think we were both glad to finally find a trail on the ground we could ride. The descent however was so good, but it had eaten up 3 hrs and we must of only covered 10 miles max. We stopped at Ty n y cornel hostel for a brew and to dry/air our sleeping bags and wet stuff so that we didnt have to get them out wet at midnight. This eat 40mins or so but we were in no real rush sat in the sun. The trails from here on i pretty much know and have ridden before on other rides and i felt happier that we were finally heading in a northern direction for once. Our plan was to stay in under a roof for the night as heavy rain was forecast, so we decided on a push on to the birdhide. This decision turned out to be a great idea as it lashed it down through the night. However getting there was a mission!! We made a quick stop at the black lion in pont but it wasnt open till 6, it was only 4pm so into the shop for our dinner ( you will find out in abit what we treated ourselves to after a really exhausting day of hard riding and stupidly steep pushing ). The push up Teifi pools track was pretty easing going as we chatted and was over fairly quick. It started to rain abit and by now both of us were having a few knee problems. Every time we climbed we got shooting pains but it was bearable. I look back now and put it down to all the huge pushes/climbs involved in the route. It was by now dark and wet again. the next section was horrendous in the dark from LLanafan to Nantyarian. There is a hell of a push up a muddy/grassy track that goes on for ages with a descent from hell. the section of track from Pisgah to the train stn is so steep and covered in downed dead trees, its an old track and was about 5" deep in mud all the way. Its definitely not used much i tell you other than crazy bikepackers. By now we were both feeling the day in our bodies, we both had sore throats and i had a proper deep voice coming on like Barry White from exhaustion. I think my body was trying to tell me something but i just ignored it hoping it would go away. We finally made it to the hide and got out our beds. By this time we had both lost our dignity and stripped off with not a care in the world. It was about 0130 again i recall and we found ourselves looking forward to our dinner which we had bought at 4 in the afternoon. WHo would of thought a bombay badboy pot noodle would of tasted so nice!! I fell in love with the pot noodle right there it was amazing and Mark said the same. We chatted for awhile and finally went to sleep about an hour later. It hammered it down through the night but we were toasty.

ImageP3270142 by mjc_226, on Flickr

Day 4 57 miles 6500ft climbing

Mist and fog were the order of the morning at 6. Today we were making way for Penmachno or further. As you will find out it wasnt to be and it was a sad day for one of us.

We were both suffering from knee issues today and this slowed us down alot. It was also wet. Now we banked on a 3 hr ride up to Mach from the trail center but it took us 5hrs. We pushed up that crappy bridle path on the BB200 with the crevasse in it. Which we have discovered after rain is like a river flowing very fast. Theres a massive landslide above th chute to cross after all the rains and snow of late it was very messy up there. The chute was a slippy descent under foot and unriddable due to the rock being washed out more than usual. Into Mach finally we went straight into the veggie place for some proper food at last, our proper first good meal. Feeling great we left only to push up that horrid tarmac section in to the Dovey forest. The section around the back of Cadair Idris wasnt to bad going however it was getting late now and the light was fading. Now we stopped in Dol for dinner at the steak house, its very good food and a beer. Now at this point we knew we were going to make Penmachno as it was 10 and our knees were sore and we were feeling battered.

Mark had bought up the subject of having to bail earlier in the day if it was looking likely we wouldnt make our targets, this was very disheartening to hear after all our efforts to crack this and hard work getting this far but he was flying to Ibiza on Thursday morning with the family so had to get back. So when we arrived in Dol i knew that was the end of the line for him, so we decided to stay at Penrhos Isaf bothy for the night. I could of pushed on but wanted to stay there and get more rest and it was a good evening, just wish we had some whiskey to drink.

Day 5 75 miles 9950ft climbing

So the morning came around and we chatted in bed over a coffee and left the bothy slightly later than planned. Mark had to ride the roads back to his van so we parted at the bottom of the road. Him going left and me going right on up through Coed y Brenin forest. Now i didnt say anything to Mark on the evening but i was seriously thinking of bailing with him on the morning as my knee had been so painful on the 4th day i was having to walk most of the climbs as it didnt hurt walking but riding was horrible. Id had a good talking to myself in my head when i woke and i knew it was only another 60 miles so i thought to the van and i could possibly do it in a oner if i dug deep. It started to rain on the way up through the forest and by the time i reached the mtn road it was full on snowing! I stopped shortly at the shop in Traws for some breakfast and to get warm, i was froze and wet. I pumped the tablets down me for my knee and it seemed to work as it didnt hurt nowhere near as much so i just got on with it. I was soon climbing up the valley to the top of the quarries at Manod. I love this part of the trail the descent on the incline is ace if a little slippery and very steep. The path into Cwm Penmachno has got trashed from the water, it used to be all rideable but now ul be walking some of it.

Penmachno valley is super fast. Dont rely on the pub though its hardly ever open and theres also a great shelter in the village square if needed. Two big climbs follow but are very nice. The scenery here is amazing, i had the sun come out for the rest of the day and you can see right across the Snowdonia Range. Stupidly i found an old remote farm house that i just had to yomp across bog to get to. Its stunning and such a wast of a great building. I dragged my bike back to the trail and continued at a good pace. I was working from Marks spreadsheet and my next fed station was the village of Cerrigydrudion. Do not rely on this the pub is shut down and the cafe has weird open times. There is a small shop but thats it. The Hiraethog trail after here starts off fast on a great surfice but then continues into a 4 x 4 mess. In fact theres alot of 4x4 mess everywhere on this route.

ImageP3280181 by mjc_226, on Flickr

I then put as much effort into keeping up my speed as i could to get to Llandrillo for dinner as i thought it would be dark by then and id eat there and then possibly camp up on the wayfarer for the night. I got there at 6ish and was making great time so decided on a quick coffee so that i could get over the wayfarer in the light. This payed off for me and my descent off was also in the light. By the time id got to the other side i knew i was on for th esame day finish and was starting to feel really chuffed with myself. Stopping at the pub in Llanarmon i decided that i was going to have a nice dinner and a pudding and a well earned beer with some really nice locals! I stayed for about prob nearly 1hr n half chatting and relaxing. I said my good byes and headed out into the cold. It was a clear night and the stars where out. I climbed up on to the tops and had a look at the gpx knowing i was within 5 miles or so left of the end. One more climb into the dark and then lanes all the way into Llan Moch where my van awaited my return.

ImageP3280239 by mjc_226, on Flickr

I got in at 1155 totally battered but the happiest guy in Llanrhaeadr that evening :0)

ImageP3280240 by mjc_226, on Flickr

The above stats are only for a guide off my Strava. It took me 4 days and 16hrs ish to complete it. Its by far the hardest thing ive done to date on my bike. Now when i look back from the warmth of my house it fills me with such joy and a sense of achievement that i continued and got it done. We had some really rubbish weather and some nice but the trails were truly in a poor state in a lot of places. If you have ago at this route in the future and i strongly recommend you do, then be prepared to commit to it as its very hard going in a lot of places. You will be pushing a lot and probably questioning what the hell are you doing, i know we did.

I say we because although only one of us finished the route in its entirety, Mark played a massive part in me finishing this. i probably would of bailed at some point if it hadnt been for his company. There were moments where it totally destroys the sole and mind especially at night time. Thanks again Mark it was an experience i wont forget in a hurry.

Id also like to say a big thank you to you Stuart for taking an idea and making it into something which i think is special. I feel like ive seen the best of Wales from the views to the South over the Brecon Beacons to the Summits of the Snowdon range and all in one bike ride. I never set out to be the first to finish it and i definitely wont be the fastest around it, ill leave that for the racers amongst us. But i will remember it!

Heres a link to my full album i hope it gives you an insight into this route...have ago!! ... 42811d50a5
Last edited by Mike on Fri Mar 30, 2018 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by ianfitz »

Top work Mike :-bd
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by whitestone »

Good one Mike, in those conditions it sounds like an epic! Tough luck for Mark.
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by Ray Young »

Nice one Mike :-bd .
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by psling »

That would be particularly impressive given how wet ground conditions have been recently :shock:
I posted the above in the 'Routes' thread; your tale confirms it!
That is an impressive story of strength and stamina, both physical and mental (and a great read from the comfort of my armchair by the fire!).
Well done to both of you.
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by Wotsits »

Great effort chaps, sounds well epic!! :-bd

Well done for being the first to complete this Mike, especially in those conditions :cool:

Ace write-up & pics too!!
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by TheBrownDog »

Brilliant pix and lovely write up. Chapeau, sir.
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by RIP »

Amazing Mike. A classic in the great traditions. Dead impressed, you should be super proud of that epic :-bd.
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by Mike »

Reg, once I was in that last pub having my dinner and a well earned beer I will admit I felt really pleased with myself and all the determination of the last 4 days payed off.I think u can see in my face I was pretty happy with that :wink:

I hope I've done the route justice with my write up, I've told it as it is. Obviously there is so much more to it like all the really great descents and singletrack sections across high ground which is stunning. I hope this now inspires folk to want to try it for themselves..... But I'd wait for the summer :-bd
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by Dave Barter »

Well done both of you, a great achievement given out current winter!
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by In Reverse »

Well in Mike. Cracking riding, writing and photoing. :-bd
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by Pickers »

Now that is a hell of a ride! Nice one Mike
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by slarge »

Well done fellas, it is a brilliant route and you have done it proud. The weather makes your achievement even more impressive. Looking forward to,hearing about it - you should be chuffed!
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by johnnystorm »

Ooof! Bravo gents! :-bd
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by Scattamah »

Good job gents. And top stuff Mike for sticking it out and setting the benchmark.


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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by summittoppler »

A great read of an amazing effort. Well done guys :-bd
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by ericrobo »

That’s a proper “Trip and Adventure” (or was it in Routes)...
Either way that captures totally the spirit of this crazy pastime- everything thrown at you...

Got me thinking that with your knee pain and you push on and ignore it, is it now getting right again, or could ignoring it just push it over the edge... ?

Let us know how it goes and hope it is back to normal soon

(I have a very personal interest in this because I have a (slight) right knee problem, a more serious rotary cuff shoulder problem, an old fractured heel problem... which is linked to a back problem.... apart from that I’m fine :-bd )

But what a great and inspiring effort, and to both of you too
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by haydenw »

Chapeau, top work and a great write up.
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by middleagedmadness »

Nice write up mate , maybe a bit of inspiration for me to get my fat arse into gear so I can manage more than 1or2 nights out ,well done mucka :-bd
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by HUX »

Top effort the pair of you :-bd
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by Mike »

@ericrobo the pain i was getting was on the inside right knee, having spoken to my Physio on Thurs ( i have tennis elbow in my right arm so she is sorting that out ) about the knee issue also she thinks i have slight muscle wastage in my quad compared to the left one which means when my leg tires the knee slightly turns inwards. Causing the aggravation or swelling. I think i just over used it without much rest, the pushing through mud probably didnt help it much. Iv done long rides before and its been ok. nothing strong pain killers couldnt sort out thankfully for the last day. She has told me to do step ups n downs on a block to get it stronger so we will see and hopefully get some results from it.
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by darbeze »

Top notch effort. Very impressed
Well done.

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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by sean_iow »

Well done, great result. It gets so much harder to keep going every morning so it takes propper grit to keep on going to the end. Chapeau :-bd and to Mark, external time constraints really add to the stress of a long route.
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by Pete-G »

Great write up and and an even greater ride. Well done Mike.
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Re: My time on the Big Bear 530

Post by Charliecres »

Good effort! Looks a bit damp in some of those (stunning) pics
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